会议主题:构建网络空间命运共同体 加强数字科技发展国际合作
会议时间:2022年6月30日 07:50-20:00(北京时间)
会 议 ID:816 6616 7277
程乐 浙江大学求是特聘教授,光华法学院光华特聘教授,国际战略与法律研究院常务副院长,网络空间国际治理研究基地执行主任、首席科学家,国家制度研究院特聘研究员
韩劲松 浙江大学网络空间安全学院教授
Conference Theme:
Building a Community of Shared Future in Cyberspace:Strengthening International Cooperation in the Development of Digital Technology
Date:June 30 07:50-20:00 (Beijing time)
Venue:Online (Zoom)
ID:816 6616 7277
General Chair:
Prof. Le Cheng
Guanghua Distinguished Professor of Law, Guanghua Law School & Professor, School of Cyber Science and Technology, Zhejiang University
Organization Chair:
Prof. Jinsong Han
School of Cyber Science and Technology, Zhejiang University
Research Institute of Cyberspace Governance, Zhejiang University
School of Cyber Science and Technology, Zhejiang University
College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University
Academy of International Strategy and Law, Zhejiang University
ZJU-Hangzhou Global Scientific and Technological Innovation Center
Jiaxing Research Institute of Zhejiang University
Key Laboratory of Blockchain and Cyberspace Governance of Zhejiang Province
Engineering Research Center of Mobile Security of Zhejiang Province
7:50-8:00 开幕致辞/Opening Remarks
浙江大学国际战略与法律研究院常务副院长 程乐 致辞
8:00-9:00 演讲/Speech
演讲人/Speaker:Prof. N. Asokan
题目/Title:Confidence in AI systems: Can we trust AI-based systems
9:00-9:30 演讲/Speech
演讲人/Speaker:Prof. Sang Jo Jong
题目/Title:Comparative analysis of legal responses to technological standards
9:30-10:00 演讲/Speech
演讲人/Speaker:Prof. Yong Sun Cho
题目/Title:Trends in technology protection laws in Korea:Focusing on strategic technology
10:00-10:30 休息/Break
10:30-11:00 演讲/Speech
演讲人/Speaker:渡部俊也 教授/Prof. Toshiya Watanabe
题目/Title:Ownership and Protection of Digital Data : Concept & Evidence
11:00-12:00 演讲/Speech
演讲人/Speaker:Prof. Venkat Venkatakrishnan
题目/Title:The duality between reactive and proactive cybersecurity
12:00-13:30 午间休息/Lunch Break
13:30-14:00 演讲/Speech
演讲人/Speaker:Prof. Sun Hee Yun
题目/Title:Protection and Limitation of Intellectual Property Rights in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
14:00-14:30 演讲/Speech
演讲人/Speaker:Prof. Pan Do Son
题目/Title:The Economical Function of Cryptocurrencies
14:30-15:00 演讲/Speech
演讲人/Speaker:赵云 教授/Prof. Yun Zhao
题目/Title:Online Dispute Resolution: Regulatory Regime and its Development
15:00-15:30 休息/Break
15:30-16:00 演讲/Speech
演讲人/Speaker:Prof. Paul Torremans
题目/Title:Global copyright infringement in the online environment: jurisdiction and choice of law for global injunctions
16:00-17:00 演讲/Speech
演讲人/Speaker:Prof. Massimo Alioto
题目/Title:Aggressive Design Reuse for Ubiquitous and Hardware-Patchable Silicon Chip Security – From Physical Design to On-Chip Machine Learning
17:00-18:00 休息/Break
18:00-18:30 演讲/Speech
演讲人/Speaker:Prof. Enrico Francesconi
题目/Title:Profiles of Legal Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in the Semantic Web
18:30-19:00 演讲/Speech
演讲人/Speaker:Prof. Heon Hui Lee
题目/Title:Data protection in the digital environment:Focusing on cross-border data flows
19:00-20:00 演讲/Speech
演讲人/Speaker:Prof. Feng Hao
题目/Title:SoK: Password-Authenticated Key Exchange -- Theory, Practice, Standardization and Real-World Lessons

Prof. N. Asokan
University of Waterloo
N. Asokan is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo (since 2019) where he holds a David R. Cheriton Chair.
He was a Professor of Computer Science at Aalto University from 2013 to 2019 and at the University of Helsinki from 2012 to 2017. Between 1995 and 2012, he worked in industrial research laboratories designing and building secure systems, first at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory as a Research Staff Member and then at Nokia Research Center, most recently as Distinguished Researcher.
Asokan’s primary research theme is systems security broadly, including topics like the development and use of novel platform security features, applying cryptographic techniques to design secure protocols for distributed systems, applying machine learning techniques to security/privacy problems, and understanding/addressing the security and privacy of machine learning applications themselves.
Asokan received his doctorate in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo, MS in Computer and Information Science from Syracuse University, and BTech (Hons.) in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology at Kharagpur. He is an ACM Fellow and an IEEE Fellow. He directs the Helsinki-Aalto Center for Information Security (https://haic.fi)
For more information about Asokan’s work see his website at https://asokan.org/asokan/ or follow him on twitter @nasokan.

Prof. Sang Jo Jong
Seoul National University
He has been President of the Korea Legal Policy Association of Game Industry, Chairman of the Intellectual Property Committee of the Korea Game Law and Policy Society, Member of the Operational Committee of the Korea Judicial Research and Training Institute, Member of the Dispute Coordination Committee of Public Data Provision of the Ministry of the Interior and Safety of Korea, Chairman of the Joint Promotion Committee of the Korea-US Local Litigation Conference, Member of the Citizen Communication Advisory Committee of the Korean Patent Office. He is now Chairman of the National Intellectual Property Commission of Korea. He is author of more than 40 publications and more than 30 books.

Prof. Yong Sun Cho
Hansei University
Prof. Yong Sun Cho is a Professor in Dept of Industrial Security at Hansei University (Head of Dept., Majors in Intellectual Property Law), and functions as the Publishing Director of the Journal of Industrial Property (published by Korean Intellectual Property Society) and the Vice President of the Korea Association for Industrial Security.

Prof. Toshiya Watanabe
The University of Tokyo
Toshiya Watanabe finished the doctoral course of inorganic material engineering faculty at Tokyo Institute of Technology. After fifteen years career of researcher of manufacturing company, he was appointed to become guest professor at University of Tokyo’s Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology in 1998. Later, he was appointed as professor of the same center in 2001. Currently he is a Professor of the Policy Alternatives Research Institute and Technology Management for Innovation (TMI). He is also appointed Vice President of University. As for activity for government policy, he is a chairman of planning committee of Cabinet Council Intellectual Property Headquarter.

Prof. Venkat Venkatakrishnan
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
Venkat Venkatakrishnan’s broad research interests are in the security of software systems, and more specifically, in the areas of vulnerability analysis, attack detection/prevention, security-conscious software design, development, and verification. He received the National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2009 and has received four best paper awards, including a 2018 USENIX Security Distinguished Paper Award. His research (over 18 million in funding as PI/Co-PI) is supported by NSF, DARPA, AFOSR, DHS, and DoE as well as by the tech industry. For his research contributions, he received the University of Illinois Scholar award in 2017, and for his contributions to education, he was awarded the Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2015, the highest university-level teaching award. Venkat received his Ph.D. degree in computer science from Stony Brook University in 2004 and holds the appointment as Director of Research at the Discovery Partners Institute under the University of Illinois System with a 500M dollar investment from the State of Illinois.

Prof. Sun Hee Yun
Hanyang University for Legal Studies
Prof. Sun Hee Yun got his LLD at Kobe University Japan. He is now anintellectual Property Law professor at and Director of Institute for Legal Studies Hanyang University.Korea. He also serves as the President of Korean Intellectual Property Society the President of Academic Institute of Culture Contents and Law the President of Korea Industrial Property Law Association and the President of Korean Association of Arbitration Studies.

Prof. Pan Do Son
Institute of Global Finance of Dong-A University
Prof. Pan Do Son is full professor of School of Business and Director of Institute of Global Finance, Dong-A University. He achieved the Ph. Degree in financial field from Korea University and learned the mathematics from University of Utah in U.S.A. His major is financial economic and mathematics. Also he published about 100 papers over the world. He focuses the risk management, Fintech field, Derivative Product in Derivative Market, and also blockchain knowledge.

Prof. Yun Zhao
The University of Hong Kong
Prof. Yun Zhao is Henry Cheng Professor in International Law and Head of Department of Law at the University of Hong Kong (HKU); PhD (Erasmus University Rotterdam); LLM (Leiden University); LLM & LLB (China University of Political Science and Law). Prof. Zhao is currently Representative of Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH); Standing Council Member of Chinese Society of International Law and Council Member of Chinese Law Society; Chair Professor at Xiamen University (2020-2023). He is listed as arbitrator in several international arbitration commissions. He has published widely on various topics including particularly Dispute Resolution and Space Law.

Prof. Paul Torremans
University of Nottingham
He served as a Sub-Dean for Graduate Studies at the Faculty of Law of the University of Leicester. His areas of expertise are Intellectual Property Law and Private International Law.In relation to the latter area Professor Torremans was also a member of the Department of Private International Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Ghent, Belgium until 30th September 2008. Professor Torremans is a member of the Association Littéraire et Artistique International (ALAI) and of its British branch BLACA, where he sits on the Executive Committee. He is also a member of the Association for the Enhancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property-ATRIP (the worldwide association of teachers and researchers in intellectual property).
Professor Torremans has acted as an expert for the World Intellectual Property Organisation, the European Commission and other international organisations.
He is also a member of CLIP, an international group of experts developing a set of principles on the int

Prof. Massimo Aliot
National University of Singapore
Massimo Alioto is a Professor at the ECE Department of the National University of Singapore, where he leads the Green IC group, the Integrated Circuits and Embedded Systems area, and the FD-fAbrICS center on intelligent&connected systems. Previously, he held positions at the University of Siena, Intel Labs - CRL (2013), University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (2011-2012), University of California - Berkeley (2009-2011), EPFL - Lausanne.
He is (co)author of 330+ publications on journals and conference proceedings, and four books with Springer. His primary research interests include ultra-low power and self-powered systems, green computing, circuits for machine intelligence, hardware security, and emerging technologies.
He is the Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society, and was Deputy Editor in Chief of the IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. Previously, Prof. Alioto was the Chair of the “VLSI Systems and Applications” Technical Committee of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (2010-2012), Distinguished Lecturer (2009-2010) and member of the Board of Governors (2015-2020). He served as Guest Editor of numerous journal special issues, Technical Program Chair of several IEEE conferences (ISCAS 2023, SOCC, PRIME, ICECS), and TPC member (ISSCC, ASSCC). Prof. Alioto is an IEEE Fellow.

Prof. Enrico Francesconi
National Research Council of Italy
Enrico Francesconi is a Research Director at IGSG-CNR, the Institute for Legal Informatics and Judicial Studies of the National Research Council of Italy and, currently, he is a Policy Officer of the European Parliament. His main research interests include Semantic Web technologies for the legal domain, legal ontologies and knowledge representation, AI techniques for legal document classification and knowledge extraction. He has been Policy Officer of the European Commission - DG Publications Office. He is President of the Nominating Committee of the International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law (IAAIL). He was President IAAIL for the period 2020-2021 and Member of the Executive Committee (2014-2021). He is Section Editor on Ontology and Knowledge Representation of the Artificial Intelligence and Law journal (Springer), co-Editor in Chief of the Journal on Open Access to Law (Cornell University, Law School), Scientific Advisory Board Member of Law, Governance and Technology Series (Springer). He was Conference Chair of the Fourteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2013, Rome) and he is Program Chair of the 34th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (Jurix 2022).

Prof. Heon Hui Lee
Gyeongsang National University
He is a professor at the Graduate School of Gyeongsang National University in Korea and the Executive Director of the Intellectual Property Group. He is also a Director of the Journal of the Korean Intellectual Property Society and a Professional Member of the Korean National Intellectual Property Committee. He was a Research Committee Member of the Korea Intellectual Property Research Institute and an Adjunct Professor at Hanyang University. He was Responsible for the Drafting of the FTA Agreement in China, Japan, South Korea, the United States, and Other Countries, Business Environment Research and Drafting of Numerous Government Reports, and Extensive Experience in Industry-academia Collaborative Research.

Prof. Feng Hao
Warwick University
Feng Hao is a Professor of Security Engineering at the Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick. He received his PhD in 2007 in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge. He worked in the security industry for a few years before joining academia. With colleagues, he designed a few cryptographic protocols: AV-net, OV-net, J-PAKE, YAK, DRE-i, DRE-ip and SEAL. Among them, J-PAKE (with Peter Ryan) has been adopted by the Thread Group as a de facto standard to perform the IoT commissioning process (used in Google Nest, ARM mbed, NXP, D-Link, Qualcomm, Samsung, and Texas Instruments etc) and standardized in ISO/IEC 11770-4. DRE-ip (with Siamak Shahandashti) was successfully trialled in Gateshead during the UK local elections on 2 May 2019. His 2006 paper (with Ross Anderson and John Daugman) on combining crypto with biometrics effectively (IEEE Trans. Computers) is ranked the top in Google Classic papers in the category of cryptography & computer security. His work on self-enforcing e-voting has led to a €1.5m ERC starting grant and an ERC proof-of-concept grant. With Peter Ryan, he co-edited a book Real-World Electronic Voting: Design, Analysis and Deployment (CRC Press, 2017).